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Our Projects

Listed by Geographic Location

page updated January 27, 2025

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 What We Provide

LEARNING SITES designs and develops interactive 3D models and virtual worlds for public school education, television programming, archaeological research, scholarly publication, and museum or archaeological site exhibition.

LEARNING SITES solutions provide a unique combination of features:

  • High-resolution, detailed, and precise virtual worlds, augmented reality experiences, animations, and renderings
  • Interactive in-world links to text, 2D and 3D image, and sound databases
  • The most reliable and accurate rendering of ancient monuments
  • WebGL programming for interactive online viewing
  • Unity game engine virtual reality output for online, Android phone, or VR headset immersive viewing
  • Professionally researched architectural and artifact data
  • Complete instructional materials for seamless classroom integration
  • Unique tools for measuring objects in and navigating through virtual worlds

We invite you to view samples from our growing library of worlds.

 Projects by Geographic Location

American sites

Anatolian sites

Assyrian sites (including Mitannian sites)

Babylonian sites

Cypriote sites

Egyptian sites

Greek sites

Israeli sites

Italian sites

Jordanian sites

Levantine sites

Nubian sites

Persian sites

Syrian sites

We welcome the opportunity to work with your data, no matter where in the world your site is located.

 American Sites

Stearns Square reconstructionStearns Square -- Springfield MA pocket park; 19th century CE

 Anatolian Sites

Nemrud Dagi; model of the East TerraceNemrud Dagi -- Hellenistic mountaintop sanctuary; 1st century BCE

Seyitomer -- large tell; Bronze Age - Roman Period

 Assyrian / Mitannian Sites

Northwest Palace, model of the Great Northern CourtyardNimrud -- Northwest Palace of King Ashur-nasir-pal II, 9th century BCE

Nimrud -- Central Palace Area, various Assyrian kings, 9th-8th centuries BCE

Nineveh -- Southwest Palace, North Palace, Nergal Gate, and House MG22, 7th c. BCE

Nuzi -- photomodeling and CNC carving, lion sculpture, mid-14th century BCE

 Babylonian Sites

Mashkan-shapirMashkan-shapir -- Isin-Larsa / Old Babylonian urban center, c.1840 BCE

 Cypriote Sites

Kyrenia shipwreckKyrenia -- shipwreck site, 4th c. BCE

 Egyptian Sites

BuhenBuhen -- Nile River Fortress, 12th Dynasty

mastaba of Nofer, GizaGiza -- Mastaba of Nofer, 4th Dynasty

Gurob ship modelGurob -- ship model, 19th-20th Dynasty

Ka(i)pura SaqqaraSaqqara -- Funerary Chapel of Ka(i)pura, c.2415-2298 BCE

 Greek Sites

Victory Monument, 1st century BCEActium -- Augustus' Victory Monument, 1st century BCE

Acropolis, Athens, 5th century BCEAthens -- The Acropolis, 5th century BCE

House 7, Halieis, GreeceHalieis, House 7, c.4th century BCE

Artisans' Workshops, MycenaeMycenae, Artisans' Workshops, c.14th-13th centuries BCE

House of Many Colors, model of interior courtyardOlynthus, House of Many Colors and House A vii 4 townhouses, 4th century BCE

House A, Tsoungiza, model of the exteriorTsoungiza, Ancient Nemea -- Neolithic - Bronze Age settlement

Vari House, model of the houseVari House -- Attic farmhouse, c.300 BCE

 Israeli Sites

bronze ramming prowAthlit, bronze ramming prow -- largest and most complete ram to survive; 2nd century BCE

Iron Age Ahiel's houseJerusalem, Ahi'el's House -- Iron Age 4-pillar house; destroyed 6th century BCE

Jerusalem, Burnt House -- house basement, Roman Period, burnt 70 CE

Jerusalem, Ottoman Gates -- gates into the Old City constructed during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magificent, mid 16th century

 Italian Sites

Paliké, SicilyPaliké, Catania, Sicily -- hestiaterion (dining hall), 5th century BCE

Arch of Titus, RomeRome -- the Arch of Titus, Palace of Domitian, Domitian's house, 1st century CE

 Jordanian Sites

Damiyah, JordanDamiyah, Jordan -- Iron Age settlement, 7th century BCE

 Levantine Sites

Byblos (Jbial), LebanonByblos (Jbail), Lebanon -- Chalcolithic, Middle Bronze Age, and Roman settlements

 Nubian Sites

Jebel Barkal aerial renderJebel Barkal -- religious center, c.1500 BCE - 500 CE

AM600 double houseAl-Meragh -- Meroitic settlement, 4th century BCE

Meroe -- Sun Temple, 3rd century BCE

Nuri -- Aspelta's tomb, 6th century BCE

 Persian Sites

Timurid manuscriptKhamsa of Nizami -- Medieval Timurid manuscript, c.12th c. CE

 Syrian Sites

Til Barsib-- Assyrian palace & gate, c.9th century BCE

Tell Brak -- settlement, 3rd millennium BCE

Tell Halaf -- Assyrian temple