The world's shared cultural heritage is threatened across the globe. The causes are many: cultural racketeering; encroachment; and war, terrorism and cultural cleansing that seek to eliminate the past of another people. The loss of objects and sites that form our links to history is strongly felt by all civilized people. In a world divided by borders, ideology, and mutual misunderstanding, Nimrud Rising recognizes the unrivalled creations of our forebears as the expressions of our collective genius.
To combat these losses, Cultural Capital and Learning Sites have created Nimrud Rising, an immersive virtual reality re-creation of the Northwest Palace at the ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud. The palace was barrel bombed by ISIS. We are offering an alternative, using innovative digital technology to re-create this amazing monument. Now, anyone can visit Nimrud, learn about that ancient culture, understand how the palace was lost and why, and be inspired by one of the most compelling and fascinating sites of the ancient world.
NB: This virtual world has been temporarily removed while it is being recoded from the Unity game engine (no longer supported natively by browsers) into the new standard, WebGL/HTML5.0.
Navigation tips for our Northwest Palace Throne Room virtual world:
Use the arrow keys to move around, or w = forward, a = left, s = backwards, d = right, spacebar = jump
c = freeze the world and release the cursor so you can look around or click on stuff
There are clickable objects with links to added info throughout the world. NB: the world is optimized for Firefox; the Unity player will not work in the Chrome browser.
Have fun ! Enjoy !