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pages updated December 13, 2016

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Aerial views of Nimrud then and nowSeveral aerial views of the citadel at Nimrud: leftmost is a 1929 RAF aerial view (image courtesy of Julian Reade); the middle image is a GoogleEarth view from 2002 showing more exacavation and clearance; the rightmost aerial is from DigitalGlobe in November 2016, after ISIS bulldozed the ziggurat (upper left) and dynamited the Northwest Palace (left center; hover over image to enlarge).

Rendering reconstructing Nimrud in the mid 9th c. BCERendering showing the citadel at Nimrud as it may have looked during the 9th c. BCE reign of King Ashur-nasir-pal II, who built the massive Northwest Palace in the upper corner of the citadel and then ringed the plateau with a fortification wall (hover over to enlarge). The reconstruction by Learning Sites (in 2015) is based on excavations at the site over the last 170 years and consultation with Assyriologists.

Rendering reconstructing Nimrud in the early 8th c. BCENimrud rising again digitally in this rendering showing the citadel at Nimrud as it may have looked during the early 8th c. BCE reign of King Tiglath-pilesar III, who continued the expansion of palaces atop the citadel (his is the one in the lower center of the image; hover over to enlarge). The now-destroyed ziggurat at the northwestern tip of the site was built by King Ashur-nasir--pal II's son and successor, King Shalmaneser III during the later 9th c. BCE.

The video above (double click to begin) shows both the destruction and the rise of the Nimrud citadel and the Northwest Palace, prepared by Nimrud Rising for the Kaplan Foundation in 2015.