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Seyitömer Höyük

The Middle Bronze Age

page updated December 2, 2016

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 The Middle Bronze Age - history

excavator's CAD plan of the Middle Bronze Age houseAt Seyitömer, Middle Bronze Age walls, floors, and artifacts were encountered along the southwest and north slopes of the mound. One house especially caught our attention (it measures c.10x10m; the excavation CAD plan is at the left; hover over to enlarge).

 The Middle Bronze Age - the house

Middle Bronze Age house photoTo test a more rapid method of creating virtual reality re-creations of the existing remains, we used several overlapping photographs of the house remains (a 2009 photo of the house is at the left; hover over to enlarge) imported into a photomodeling program. We then exported the results initially into VRML for easy Web viewing and real-time navigating. Since then, we have moved the VRML world into the Unity platform.
