Since the visualizations that LEARNING SITES create, the types of publications we develop, and the variety of services we offer are custom-designed to meet individual circumstances, it's difficult to give figures without having specific project parameters. In general, our prices depend on the quality and quantity of the data provided to us, the amount of digital conversion of the primary data necessary, the precise output formats desired, the type of visualizations needed, the output media, and the timetable.
We are fair and take into consideration your financial situation. Our goals are to work with you to get the job done in a manner that is mutually beneficial and also advances the understanding of our shared cultural heritage.
As each of our projects is developed in close collaboration between our staff and you, we will be sure to provide you with the best and most comprehensive solutions to your needs. Our work is delivered on time and on budget, while maintaining the highest level of scholarship and highest degree of accuracy that the evidence allows.
Our visualizations are second to none in this regard.
You have access to our entire staff of experts; you get stunning images in return; and you will most likely learn a great deal more about your site, your building, your artifacts than would be possible through reliance on 2D media alone, while gaining new insight into the past.
We are the oldest and most experienced virtual heritage company on the planet, working for 20 years on dozens of projects around world.
Such questions are best answered in discussion between one of our staff members and you, so that we can get a better understanding of the nature of your data, the object, building, or site that needs modeling, and the quality and quantity of the data that will be provided to us. After discussion, we can give you reasonably precise estimates regarding the length of time involved in the production of the best and most innovative visualizations for your needs.
It's important to keep in mind, that once the 3D models are complete, generating high-resolution 2D renderings, animations, flythroughs, and even virtual worlds are relatively quick and easy. In other words, once the 3D models are satisfactorily completed, there are any number of residual visualization types that can then be generated quite efficiently and cost effectively. While the cost and time needed at the start may be slightly more than traditional means of representation, the resulting series of spin-off products that can be created far excedes the number and type possible by any other means.