page updated May 9, 2014

Sacred  Trees

The sacred tree bas-relief depicted here were uncovered by the Polish excavations during the 1975 and 1976 seasons. All slabs have been attributed to the reign of Tiglath-pileser III.
All reliefs are depicted at the same scale.

Complete Trees

bas-relief panel

Complete corner bas relief slab with two rows of figures separated by an inscription band and a full-height sacred tree at the corner.

Corner tree has palmettes placed symmetrically on both sides of the corner; the tree is narrow.

For complete description of the figural and inscription portions of the relief, see Field Battles and Victory Processions.

Date: Unspecified (probably period of Tiglath-pilesar III)

Material: Not specified

Dimensions: H total = 2.56m; W of left part = 0.57m; W of right part = 0.30m; Th = 0.16m; H of base = 0.61m; H of lower register = 0.89; H of middle register = 0.19; H of upper register = 0.87m

Provenance: square N10/W30, c.0.30m above pavement

Inv. # NA12-76

(hover cursor over photos or plan to zoom)

Upper Parts of Trees

(top or bottom of slab showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Upper part of a corner slab with a section of a corner relief depicting a sacred tree with alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 1.34m; W = 1.20m; Th = 0.14m (left, top, and right edges original)

Provenance: N10/W30

Inv. # NA18-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

corner relief with tree
Top section of a corner relief depicting a tree with alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: unspecified (most likely period of Tiglathpilesar III)

Material: unspecified

Dimensions: H = 1.24m; max. W = 0.75m; Th = 0.12m (upper, right, and part of left edges original; may connect with NA26-76 (above) and NA30-76 (below)

Provenance: square N10/W30 (with NA26-76 & NA30-76 over destroyed wall)

Inv. # NA27-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Bas-relief fragment depicting an archer and shield-carrier facing right; a sacred tree is behind them.

Date: unspecified

Material: unspecified

Dimensions: H = 1.03m; W = 0.63m; Th = 0.11m (upper edge original; right edge sawn)

Provenance: square N0/W30; southeast corner (found with NA41-76)

Inv. # NA42-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

(see also reliefs of siege scenes)

Upper and middle parts of corner slab depicting a sacred tree with alternating cones and pomegranates and with trunk on center with the corner. Completion of left section of tree would appear on the next slab to the left.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 1.29m; W = 0.56m; Th = 0.13m (left and top edges original)

Provenance: N10/W30

Inv. # NA57-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Middle Parts of Trees

Middle part of corner slab with a section of a relief depicting a sacred tree; possibly part of NA18-75 (see image above).

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 0.45m; W = 0.53m; Th = 0.14m

Provenance: N10/W30

Inv. # NA24-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Middle part of slab depicting a corner sacred tree most likely containing alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 0.62m; W = 0.68m; Th = 0.12m (left edge may be original and cut off; may belong to NA57-75, above, according to the exavators' notes)

Provenance: N10/W30 (middle part)

Inv. # NA61-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Portion of a slab depicting a corner sacred tree, most likely containing alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 0.53m; W = 0.98m; Th = 0.15m (right edge original)

Provenance: N10/W30

Inv. # NA67-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Left section of a corner relief depicting a tree with alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: unspecified (most likely period of Tiglathpilesar III)

Material: unspecified

Dimensions: max. H = 0.88m; W = 0.75m; Th = 0.12m (left edge original; right side broken, but outer edge original; may belong with NA27-76, below)

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA26-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Lower Parts of Trees

Lower left corner of slab depicting a sacred tree, most likely containing alternating cones and pomegranate-apples.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 1.41m; W = 0.45m; Th = 0.15m (bottom edge original; right and top edges sawn)

Provenance: N10/W30

Inv. # NA19-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Lower left corner of slab depicting a sacred tree, most likely containing alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: max. H = 0.83m; W = 0.51m; Th = 0.14m (left and bottom edges original)

Provenance: N10/W30

Inv. # NA60-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Right and lower sections of a corner relief depicting a sacred tree with alternating cones and pomegranates.

Date: unspecified (most likely period of Tiglathpilesar III)

Material: unspecified

Dimensions: max. H = 1.24m; W = 0.47m; Th = 0.11m (right and bottom edges original)

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA30-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)


Reference Information

page created:  November 13, 2002
page updated:  May 9, 2014
page author:  Learning Sites, Inc.
page URL:
page location:  Learning Sites homepage ==> Learning Sites Project Index page ==> Central Palace Project homepage ==> Central Palace Photography Introduction ==> Central Palace Sculpture Photographs, Sacred Trees

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