page updated December 10, 2014

Battle  Scenes  --  City  Sieges

NB: All reliefs are depicted at the same scale and arranged with upper registers first followed by lower register reliefs and then those for which their location is unclear.

Likely Upper Register Reliefs

(top or bottom of relief showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Relief depicting a bearded charioteer followed by spearmen, moving left (head of horse carved on next slab to the left). 

To the right is the eroded silhouette of a bowman, facing right toward a besieged city, drawing his bow.  A small tree separates the scenes.

This relief matches a presumed-lost relief, as seen in the drawing (left) from Barnett & Falkner (1962), plate 9, series A, upper slab 4a. Possibly part of the Babylonian campaign narrative.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: total H = 1.03m; register H = c.0.89m; max. W = 1.67m; Th = 0.12m

Provenance: square N10/W30, SE corner (found with NA13-75)

Inv. # NA12-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo or drawing)

(see also reliefs of victory processions)

NA6-75, seige of town

(top or bottom of slab showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Bas relief depicting the siege of a fortified town with a double wall; some towers have no crenellated tops; (from an upper register; top and right edges original).

Assyrian spearmen fight a local defender (at the left); below Assyrians take away large vessels.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: limestone (?) or fired alabaster

Dimensions: H = 0.96m; W = 0.92m; Th = 0.12m

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA6-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

(top or bottom of relief showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Bas relief depicting the siege of a fortified towered town somewhat eroded on the right side (complete upper register with a small portion of the middle register preserved).

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 1.07m; W = 1.72m; Th = 0.10m

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA14-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Left, upper corner of a three-register bas relief depicting the siege of a fortified towered town on a hill (on the upper wall stands a bearded figure looking left); a siege engine on a ramp is shown at the upper left along with part of a bow belonging to a person looking right and standing in the scene on the slab to the left.

Middle register is blank, probably for an inscription (central portion of slab sawn away).

A small portion of the lower register survives.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 1.03m; W = 0.95m; Th = 0.15m; H of middle register = 0.31m

Provenance: square N10/W30 (northern sector)

Inv. # NA39-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

(original photographs lost; image below is a scan of a photocopy)

Right, upper and middle sections of a three-register bas relief depicting (in the upper register) a fortified double-walled towered town.

Middle register is blank, possibly meant for an inscription.

Lower register: Seems to have no visible decoration.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H (along right edge) = 1.57m; W (along upper edge)= 0.47m; Th = 0.11m; H of middle register = 0.285m; H of upper register = 0.97m (top and right edges original)

Provenance: square N10/W30 (southwest sector)

Inv. # NA74-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Bas relief depicting two Assyrian archers and shield-carrier facing right (similar to relief NA10-76, above) toward a date tree and a fortified city on a citadel by a river (several fishes are depicted in the water); several defenders (some with bows and some with raised hands) stand in the city towers and face the attacking Assyrians (upper register).

Just a tiny portion of a blank central register (probably for inscription) is visible below the narrative .

This relief matches a presumed-lost relief, as seen in the drawing (left) published by Barnett & Falkner 1962:pl.X (slab 3a). Possibly part of the Babylonian campaign narrative.

Date: unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 1.04m; register H = c.0.99m; W = 1.60m; Th = 0.13m (left, right, and top edges original)

Provenance: middle of the south part of square N0/W30 c.1.0m above the paving in secondary fill

Inv. # NA11-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the drawing or the photo)

(top or bottom of slab showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Left part of the upper register of a relief probably depicting a person looking left with both arms raised in front of the face; very possibly traces of architecture at the right.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 0.74m; W = 0.89m; Th = 0.14m (left and upper edges original)

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA29-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

(top or bottom of relief showing various cuttings;

drawing probably by Richard Sobolewski)

Left side of the upper register of a bas relief depicting two bearded bowmen facing right, ready to fire; behind them the edge of a large shield (top and left edges original; surface partly eroded).

The figures wear high, flat cylindrical caps, short skirts, and a shawl fixed with their belt; their arrows seem decorated with pompoms; one sword is visible.

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: limestone (?) or fired alabaster

Dimensions: H = 0.69m; W = 0.92m; Th = 0.10m

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA4-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Upper left corner fragment of a three-register bas relief depicting an archer (beardless with long tunic) and shield-carrier (bearded in pointed helmet and short tunic) facing right (similar to relief NA11-76 below) toward a fortified city apparently on a citadel (upper register), blank central register, and the top of what could be a mountain (lower register).

Date: unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 1.27m; W = 0.82m; Th = 0.18m; H of upper register = 0.87m; H of middle register = 0.235m

Provenance: middle of the south part of square N0/W30 c.1.0m above the paving in secondary fill

Inv. # NA10-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Right upper corner of a bas-relief fragment depicting 2 archers and shield-carrier facing left and part of a blank central register (probably for an inscription) along the bottom.

Also published by Barnett & Falkner 1962:pls.XI-XII (slab 2a)

Date: unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 1.12m; W = 0.54m; Th = 0.085m (right and top edges original)

Provenance: square N10/W30 (with relief NA26-76)

Inv. # NA28-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the drawing or the photo)

Bas-relief fragment depicting an archer (possibly the king) with long tunic and sword and a shield-carrier in short tunic carrying a knife; both facing left. Part of the uninscribed middle register is visible at the bottom of the slab.

Date: unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 0.88m; W = 0.51m; Th = 0.12m (right edge original)

Provenance: square N0/W30; southeast corner

Inv. # NA41-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Bas-relief fragment depicting an archer and shield-carrier in pointed helmets facing right. Archer wears a long tunic and carries a sword and spear; the shield-carrier wears a short tunic. A sacred tree is behind them.

The upper portion of the middle register shows at the bottom of the slab.

Date: unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 1.03m; W = 0.63m; Th = 0.11m (upper edge original; right edge sawn)

Provenance: square N0/W30; southeast corner (found with NA41-76, above)

Inv. # NA42-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

(see also reliefs of sacred trees)

Likely Lower Register Reliefs

Left lower part of relief slab depicting a towered citadel, protected by a double wall and surrounded by a city wall.

Possibly part of the Anatolian campaign narrative. This relief is similar to a relief in the Louvre depicting an Anatolian fortress (#AO 19855).

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 1.03m; W (not specified); Th = 0.16m; H of plinth = 0.35m (left and bottom edges original)

Provenance: square N0/W30

Inv. # NA69-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Fragment of a three-register bas relief depicting legs of a person looking left, then an unidentified object, then the legs of a person looking right (upper register).

Blank central register, probably for an inscription.

Soldiers approaching a fortified city with palm trees (lower register).

Date: unspecified

Material: not specified

Dimensions: H = 0.82m; W = 0.71m; Th = 0.15m; H of middle register = 0.29m

Provenance: square N0/W30

Inv. # NA22-76

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Reliefs of Unclear Location
Left fragmentary part of a relief showing the leg of striding figure facing right; possibly a soldier (archer).

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 0.40m; W = 0.36m; Th = 0.09m (part of left edge original)

Provenance: square N10/W30

Inv. # NA30-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)

Bas relief depicting a portion of a siege machine going uphill (portion sawn away from full slab; only left edge may be original).

Date: period of Tiglathpilesar III

Material: Mosul alabaster

Dimensions: H = 0.23m; W = 0.24m; Th = 0.05m

Provenance: square N0/W30

Inv. # NA84-75

(hover cursor over photo or plan to zoom; click here to enlarge the photo)


Reference Information

page created:  November 12, 2002
page updated:  December 10, 2014
page author:  Learning Sites, Inc.
page URL:
page location:  Learning Sites homepage ==> Learning Sites Project Index page ==> Central Palace Project homepage ==> Central Palace Photography Introduction ==> Central Palace Sculpture Photographs, Battle Scenes, City Sieges

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