page updated April 14, 2015
For the location of the Central Palace complex within the context of the Nimrud Citadel, see the Citadel plan.

Rendering from the 3D computer model of the remains of the Central Palace area found during the Polish excavations, with the Central Building of King Ashur-nasir-pal II envisioned as the grand entryway into the Northwest Palace complex.

Model built 2015.

Added features: newly envisioned Northwest Palace complex, other features across the citadel adjusted to the time of Ashur-nasir-pal II, such as the enclosing walls, remnants of houses from an earlier period, reoriented northern temples, and citadel roadways.

Rendering from the 3D computer model of the remains of the Central Palace area found during the Polish excavations in context of the other monuments in the northwest sector of the citadel at Nimrud.

Model built 2013.

Added features: landscape, figures, reconstructed facade reliefs on the Central (Ashur-nasir-pal) Building.

Rendering from the 3D computer model of the remains of the Central Palace area found during the Polish excavations in context of the other monuments in the northwest sector of the citadel at Nimrud.

Model built 2012.

Rendering from the 3D computer massing model of the remains of the Central Palace area found during the Polish excavations in context of the other monuments in the northwest sector of the citadel at Nimrud.

Model built 2004.

Central Palace area Rendering from a more advanced 3D computer massing model of the remains found during the Polish excavations of the Central Palace area, Nimrud (based on revised 2004 plan data).

Note the addition of: (1) the remains of a gateway found to the west of the main Central Palace area; (2) the conjectured completion of the Central Building; and (3) the so-called Rassam and Black Obelisks on their respective bases in front of the two main facades.

Model built 2004.

Central Palace area Rendering from a more advanced, but still preliminary (3D computer) massing model of the remains found during the Polish excavations of the Central Palace area, Nimrud (based on 1982 plan data).

Model built 2003.

Central Palace area
Rendering from a preliminary (3D computer) massing model of the remains found during the Polish excavations of the Central Palace area, Nimrud (based on 1976 plan data). 

The remains in yellow-green = the Central Building

The remains in orange = the Shalmaneser Building

The remains in red = the Late Building

Model built 2002.


Reference Information

page created:  Oct. 21, 2002
page updated:  April 14, 2015
page author:  Learning Sites, Inc.
page URL:
page location:  Learning Sites homepage ==> Learning Sites Project Index page  ==> Central Palace Project homepage ==> Central Palace Site Renderings

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