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Multimedia  Publication  --  Index

pages last modified on May 2, 2000
This page is the index to the data being accumulated by Learning Sites in preparation for a multimedia, virtual-reality-based, digital excavation report of the settlements on Tsoungiza, Ancient Nemea, Greece.
NVAP Bibliography
* Preliminary Publication Pages
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NVAP Credits

Excavation Unit 2  --  Prepublication Material
*Artifact Modeling  --  stills and virtual reconstructions

Excavation Unit 5  --  Prepublication Material
EU5 Period Plans
House A (EH II) -- Reconstruction
Harland's Village (EH III) --  Reconstruction
* Artifact Modeling -- stills and virtual reconstructions

Excavation Unit 7 --  Prepublication Material
West Building (LH I) -- Reconstruction
EU7 Period Plans

(* these pages under reconstruction *

NB: These pages have been developed for research purposes only; the information contained herein is in no way to be construed as an interim or final publication of the material.  Data and images are not to be copied, retransmitted, or altered in any way without specific written permission from Learning Sites, Inc., and the Director of the Tsoungiza Excavations.

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