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The Early Projects

The Royal Cemetery of Kush, Nuri, Sudan  --  King Aspelta's Tomb

page updated Feb. 25, 1999
A further refinement of the techniques Bill Riseman used for the Giza and Gebel Barkal models led to an understanding of how to utilize existing epigraphic information to reconstruct painted or carved hieroglyphics and then apply them onto the surfaces of a finished 3-D model.  To test this procedure, data from King Aspelta's tomb (ca. 600-580 BCE), in the Royal Cemetery of Kush, Nuri, Sudan, was used.  Nuri is across the Nile River from Gebel Barkal (click here for map).

The granite sarcophagus of King Aspelta, however, is now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.  The material for our work on this site was supplied by Dr. Timothy Kendall, assistant curator at the museum.

Aspelta's Tomb--interior reconstruction (image size 34k) - click for larger image The process of simulating the original hieroglyphics carved into a computer-generated granite sarcophagus took about an hour, once the research was done.  It had become increasingly clear that the time and effort needed to create a reconstruction in the computer are not nearly as much as the time and energy required to research and study the archaeological evidence.  Nevertheless, the reconstruction again demonstrated the power of the computer to bring together in a single model evidence scattered in different parts of the world and existing in varying states of preservation.

The final reconstructed environment included the accurate contour lines of the site taken from topographic information.  Once the model was completed, an animated sequence was created to lead the visitor around the site and funerary complex and then down into the tomb itself where the sarcophagus of the king could be seen in its original context complete with carved hieroglyphics fully restored.

The Early Projects
Company History Introduction
The Temples at Gebel Barkal -- "inverse photogrammetry"
The Sun Temple at Meroe -- different rendering engines
The Mastabas at Giza -- "epigrammetry"
The Gebel Barkal virtual worlds
Fortress of Buhen virtual world
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