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Technical  Information

page updated July 8, 2011

Will your virtual worlds work on a Mac? 

Until a short time ago, no VRML-based virtual worlds, indeed no true virtual reality re-creations, could run on any Macintosh or Apple computers, due to inherent internal architecture incompatibilities.  Many companies have tried to create programs so that true VR can run on Macs. 

Since the advent of OS X and even the more recent Intel-based Apple computers, things have improved slightly. Some of the problem resides with the way Apple computers handle graphics memory, some of the problem lies with the general lack of virtual reality viewers created for the Mac (often because software programmers do not see any market there). There are very few viewers out there; check our software page for updates.

Note that Apple QuickTimeVRTM (QTVR) does not present the viewer with a true 3D space that can be navigated freely, as in authentic virtual environments.

Will your virtual worlds work with Internet Explorer and Firefox?

 Yes. LEARNING SITES VRML-based virtual worlds will work with either browser set.  However, the final answer relies more upon what computer you have, what operating system you have, and what VRML viewer you choose to install. Each of these components will affect how well, if at all, our environments will run.

On Apple computers of recent vintage, the choices are more limited.

Do I need special equipment? 

LEARNING SITES' VRML 2.0-compliant virtual worlds can be viewed directly through your computer's monitor; you do no need any peripheral equipment (such as head mounted displays or data gloves) to appreciate our virtual ancient worlds. 

Nonetheless, our virtual worlds will run on a number of third-party display units ideal for museums, on-site interpretation centers, or other venues where the visiting public would like to experience the past dynamically and immersively.  Contact us and we will be glad to describe those options in more detail.  LEARNING SITES works with several VR kiosk and display technologies and has experience programming for a number of headset types, magnetic and infrared motion trackers, and video display.

 Do I need headsets to view your virtual reality materials?

No (please see the above discussion).

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