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Seyitömer Höyük

Kütahya, Turkey

Hellenistic Period

 page updated June 13, 2011

At Seyitömer, the Hellenistic occupation (c.334-30 BCE) seems to have spread across the top of the mound and been enclosed by a fortification wall. Two phases have been detected, called the Early and Late Phases. The full extent of the settlement is still under investigation.

CAD plan of the central Hellenistic period remains (click to enlarge).

Aerial view of the Hellenistic remains, view generally eastward (click to enlarge).

Learning Sites first tasks consisted of working with the CAD plans created at the site as the basis for building our 3D models of the mound and Hellenistic architecture.

Using photographs taken to our specifications, we textured the walls and began to re-create the excavations as a 3D document of the work, as a visualization to allow better understanding of the village, and as a prelude to publication.

Aerial view of the Hellenistic remains, from our 3D model view generally southward (click to enlarge)

Screen grab from our (unfinished) VRML model of the Hellenistic village (as-excavated; click to enlarge)

Screen grab from our (unfinished) VRML model of the Hellenistic village (as-excavated; click to enlarge)

As we continue to map on excavation photographs and analyze the site plans, individual houses are beginning to come into shaper focus. One especially large house was uncovered near the top of the mound.

At the right, the photographer taking exacting wall photographs, an aerial view showing the location of the house, and a rendering from the as-excavated VRML model of the house (view northish, over toward the courtyard).


Middle Bronze Age
Photo-to-VR modeling


Reference Information

page created: December 29, 2009
page updated: June 13, 2011
you are here: Learning Sites Home page   ==>  Learning Sites Index page   ==> Seyitomer Hoyuk, Turkey, Homepage ==> Seyitomer, Hellenistic Period
this page's URL is: http://www.learningsites.com/Seyitomer/Seyitomer_Hellenistic.htm
page author: Learning Sites, Inc.

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