page updated 7/2/1999
Records of the Transfer of Reliefs to the United States

Marsh to Hopkins 1855, page 1 Page 1 of a letter written August 7, 1855, by Dwight Whitney Marsh (from Mosul, Iraq) to the Reverend Mark Hopkins (then president of Williams College) describing the purchase of reliefs from the excavators of the Northwest Palace, Nimrud, and their subsequent shipment to Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, Marsh's alma mater.  Click on the page image to read from a full-size image (290K). 

Marsh to Perry, 1882, page 1
Marsh to Perry, 1882, page 2 Pages 1 and 2 of a letter written November 29, 1882, from Dwight Whitney Marsh to A. L. Perry recounting the story of how he obtained and shipped the Assyrian reliefs from Nimrud to Williams College, the Mercantile Library in St. Louis, and the Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford.  Click on the page images to read from a full-size images (200K each).
More pages and letters to follow.

Documents courtesy of Williams College Archives and Special Collections.

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